How-To Deploy a New Server - AWS
How-To Deploy a New Server - AWS
- Determine and document server requirements.
- Create a new server configuration file (.ini file) and check into Git (see this /wiki/spaces/EN/pages/5898406). See this template for a quick setup. Also see the SSHLDAP documentation for details on adding servers to existing SSHLDAP Fabric layers.
- Create new servers on AWS. Make sure that the new servers all have password-less sudo access for the user that is going to run the script.
- Make sure that you create a DNS entry in Route 53 for the newly created servers. Otherwise, determine the AWS DNS names and update the server configuration ini file from Step #2.
- [Optional] Create the password files for the deployer script input parameters.
- OpenDJ file when creating a new OpenDJ server - contains 2 passwords. The first line of the file contains the Directory Manager (cn=Directory Manager), the second line contains the Admin User password.
- The OpenDJ password is only needed when deploying a new OpenDJ server or when deploying schemas that require directory access, or a new SSHLDAP fabric configuration.
- Otherwise. if a password is required you will be prompted for it.
- Perform the following commands on a DevOps server of a central server that has access to all the newly created AWS servers:
## Fetch the deploy script on the DevOps server git archive --remote=git@bitbucket.org:zibernetics/zinet.git master:playbooks/shell deploy-servers.sh | tar -x ## Fetch the server configuration ini file, where myorganization if your Git user account, ## config-repo is the Git repo, branch is the Git branch of the repo, root is the root project in the repo to check out. ## and my-core-servers is the server config ini file created for the deployment in Step 2 and 4 git archive --remote=git@bitbucket.$myorganization/$config-repo.git $branch:$config-$root/config $my-core-servers.ini | tar -x ## Run the deploy script ./deploy-servers.sh -i $my-core-servers.ini -r ~/repo -Y .pins 2>&1 | tee install.log
Test access to your environment after the deploy-server.sh script finishes.
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